• Finally fix your freestyle catch
  • Improve standing bike power
  • No more recovery ice baths
  • How top coaches prep for Kona
  • Uphill intervals for faster running


Learn the 3 reasons why hill repeats are your secret weapon for building faster run splits in this post by coach Steve Brandes.

And not just any repeats, but uphill intervals run very hard. 

With sufficiently high intensity, you’ll maximize muscle recruitment and build strength.  You’ll also develop a more elastic, responsive stride.

Pay attention to the details.  A gradient of between 5% and 10% is ideal.  Interval duration only needs to be between 10 to 60 seconds.

Learn more about this potent technique, then start incorporating hill repeats into your run training program.


Are you frustrated by your attempts to improve the catch of your freestyle stroke?  No matter how much you try, does your lead arm drop prematurely?

If so, then you’ll appreciate this video by Brenton Ford.  He thoroughly dissects and analyzes 5 reasons why your lead arm might be dropping and what you can do about it.

He addresses issues of alignment, rotation and hand entry… then he provides drills that will help improve each of these critical elements.


With the Hawaii IRONMAN World Championships less than one month away, it’s a great time to share this edition of the Scientific Triathlon podcast that presents a master class in Kona preparation.

Featuring 4 of today’s leading triathlon coaches, you’ll get practical instruction on what really works on the Big Island.  They cover heat acclimatization, pacing strategies, nutrition and much more.

Even if you’re not competing in Kona this year, you’ll find the insights and advice presented in this podcast invaluable as you tailor your race preparation to the specifics of your next event.


UCAN’s proprietary SuperStarch (now called LIVSTEADY) is a low-glycemic, complex carbohydrate that has changed the way triathletes train and race.

UCAN products provide athletes with steady, long-lasting energy without the spikes and crashes associated with sugary gels and drinks.

Best of all, the flavors are subtle and not too sweet.  With zero sugars and zero stimulants, UCAN provides sustained energy throughout the race with no GI or stomach upset.

We require steady energy and sharp mental focus throughout the race day.  That’s why champions like Katie Zaferes, Tim O’Donnell and Meb Keflezighi rely on UCAN to fuel their performances.

TriathlonWire readers can experience this new standard in sports nutrition and get 15% off by using this link.  Check out their complete line of drinks, gels, energy bars and snacks today!


Triathletes have the reputation of not being the nimblest of bike handlers, especially when standing on the pedals.  However there are times when getting out of the saddle will benefit your performance.

In this article coach David Glover describes the 4 occasions when you should stand on the bike.

More importantly, he outlines a simple drill that will improve your out-of-the-saddle power.


Damn you, science.  It turns out that the go-to training room treatment of a cold ice bath after a tough workout is not doing you much good.

Recent research indicates that the extreme cooling of a cold plunge inhibits the synthesis of protein by up to 26%… exactly what you don’t want when trying to repair muscle.

Cold water immersion might provide other benefits, but it probably should be avoided as a method of recovery.


  • The Voice
    By now you’ve probably heard that the ever-popular Voice of IRONMAN, Mike Reilly, is finally hanging up his microphone after calling races for 33 years.  His iconic words, “You Are an IRONMAN” have become an inherent part of the race experience. Get to know Reilly a bit better in this wonderful podcast interview with Joanne Murphy of Tri Talking Sport.  Thank you, Mike.