Carefully Curated Triathlon News for September 5, 2024
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- 7 tips for faster running over 40
- Sorry… there is no “fat switch”
- 3 workouts for more swim speed
- How to harness the power of cycling intervals
- Simplify your strength training
Every cyclist can benefit from interval training. Unfortunately many triathletes view intervals as too complicated and scary, so never fully commit to them.
In this guide to effective bike interval training, coach Maddison Russell demystifies cycling repeats.
She explains why they’re so effective, and provides foolproof templates for personalizing this powerful workout format into your program.
We’re big fans of coach Olivier Poirier-Leroy, and in this article he details 3 workouts for building triathlon swim speed.
What they lack in duration they make up for with intensity. These sessions will deliver the aerobic and anaerobic gains needed to elevate your race pace.
Can we still become faster runners over 40, and remain healthy? Yes!… So long as we proactively adapt to our physiological changes.
Coach and former champion Bruce Tulloh offers his 7 proven tips for avoiding injury and increasing speed for masters runners.
Follow these recommendations, and you’ll preserve the joy of running fast for years to come.
For the past 11 years, the Betty Squad’s team of athletes has proven that you don’t have to choose between speed and style.
If you’re a woman who’s passionate about endurance sports, has a desire to inspire those around you and wants to wear the hottest high-performance apparel available, then Betty Squad is for you.
For a very limited time, Betty Squad is accepting applications to join its 2025 team.
If you think Badass is Beautiful™, then apply today!
Understanding that the body utilizes both carbohydrates and fats at the same time — in proportions dictated by exercise intensity — is key to mastering your fueling.
In this insightful article, Dr. Asker Jeukendrup dispels the commonly cited myth that successful endurance athletes “switch” to fat metabolism during long events.
Learn how fat and carbohydrate simultaneously contribute to fueling the pathways of energy production, and you’ll take your race day nutrition to the next level.
If you’re looking for straightforward advice on getting stronger, then this practical triathlete strength training guide by coach Paula Sierzega is for you.
She reminds us of the 4 key reasons triathletes must hit the gym, then provides 10 go-to exercises that never fail to build a stronger, more bulletproof body.
- Iron or Lead?
Which is harder, the Leadville 100 Mountain Bike Race or the Hawaii IRONMAN? Coach Gale Bernhardt examines the debate and compiles6 takeaways for success at either of these legendary events.
- Rare Bird
Reflecting on Daniela Ryf’s remarkable career, it’s hard to choose the highlights. However, here are 6 of her superhuman performances that help make the case that Dani was the best triathlete — male or female — in history.