• How to schedule recovery from HIIT
  • 6 rules for faster masters
  • When to strength train for maximum gains
  • Discover the 4th fuel for endurance performance
  • Training zones: theory & practice


It’s an age-old question: should you lift weights on the same day as a ride or run?

What’s the issue?  It turns out that the biochemical adaptations caused by lifting weights are blunted by endurance training… and vice versa.  Fortunately this “Interference Effect” can be managed and minimized by some simple but intentional scheduling choices designed to separate these disparate sessions. 

Coach Jim Rutberg provides some clear answers, supported by science, that will help you make the most of your precious time in the gym.


You’re familiar with the 3 traditional macronutrients: proteins, carbohydrates and fats.  Lately, however, another energy source – often referred to as the fourth macronutrient — has captured the attention of elite athletes worldwide.

Called ketones, these compounds are naturally produced as an alternative fuel under a narrow range of extreme physiological conditions.  They can also be ingested as a nutritional supplement to enhance cognitive acuity and physical performance.

Use of exogenous ketone esters has been popularized by pro cycling teams.  According to WADA they’re legal… But do they work?  And are they a viable option for age group triathletes?

Learn more about the potential benefits of this exciting nutrient, how to use ketones and whether they might be right for you.


Strategically scheduled high intensity efforts are critical for your development as a triathlete.

How should you program these key workouts – and schedule your recovery from them — for optimal results?

Coach Sergio Santos outlines his guidelines for determining recovery times from various types of HIIT sessions.

Discover what factors dictate length of recovery and learn why higher intensity workouts don’t always require a longer recovery period.


There’s no better way to jumpstart your season than by joining 3x Hawaii IRONMAN World Champion Craig Alexander at his pre-season training camp on March 9-16, 2024 on the island of Mallorca, Spain.

Tailored for triathletes of all levels, it’s guaranteed to be a fun week of incredible training, technical instruction and informative workshops.

All participants receive a one-on-one pre-camp phone consultation with Crowie, cool camp swag and much more!

Discover why Mallorca is a multisport training mecca during this once-in-a-lifetime triathlon experience.

TriathlonWire readers save $50 off your camp tuition with coupon code TRIWIRE50.  Click here for more details or to make your no-risk reservation.


Zone-based training ensures you’re working at the ideal intensities at the right times.  They help you achieve specific goals from each session and fine-tune your training plan for truly personalized results.

But determining your training zones can be confusing.  Should you use a three, five or seven zone system?  Are more zones better?  And how do you calculate them in the first place?

Check out this informative video that cuts through the confusion, and helps you nail your zones so you can train more precisely and efficiently.


What’s one of the most important nutrients for endurance athletes?  Iron.  It’s responsible for delivering oxygen to the working muscles and bolsters your immune system.

It sounds weird, but chronic aerobic training reduces the body’s iron storesStudies show that up to 50% of athletes exhibit some degree of anemia.

Dylan Johnson explains why iron plays such a critical role in performance, what causes iron-deficiency, and how you can maintain optimal iron levels.


  • 6 for 40+
    There might not be an antidote to aging, but you can slow age-related declines in performance.  Timeless pro Melanie McQuaid shares her top 6 tips for continued improvement after 40.  For most of us, this advice will work at any age!