• 20 fitness rules for masters athletes
  • 4 practical ways to use CGMs
  • Why you’ll love Fartlek swimming
  • 12 strength exercises for faster running
  • 3 reasons why you need weekly speed work


Now’s the time of year when many of us focus on training to stay fit.

Renowned run coach Jeff Gaudette outlines 3 reasons why you should maintain speed work in the off-season, even if you’re not training for a specific event.

It doesn’t require much.  Weekly injections of increased pace are enough to help maintain neuromuscular efficiency, avoid winter weight gain and contributes to overall health.


Fartlek running has been a training staple for decades, but what about Fartlek swimming?

Coach Olivier Poirier-Leroy says that this style of workout is the remedy for long, boring endurance sets that lead to loss of concentration and sloppy technique.

By inserting random bursts of speed into your longer efforts, you’ll develop the ability to change gears at a moment’s notice (just like in a race).  You’ll also log more focused yardage, improve your feel for the water and generally spice up your workouts!

To get you started, Poirier-Leroy presents 2 examples of Fartlek swim sets guaranteed to deliver fun, low-pressure speed work.

20 FOR OVER 40

Let’s pull back from the minutiae of workout reps and sets, and examine our overarching approach to a fitness-focused lifestyle.

In this comprehensive article, high performance coach Dan Go outlines his 20 fitness rules for master athletes.

We’re certain that you’ll learn something new that can be immediately applied to your own training, and help ensure a lifetime of continued gains.


Since 2014 Craig “Crowie” Alexander has guided over 7,240 athletes to exceptional performances through his Sansego Triathlon Club.

STC members are stronger, faster and more confident… Isn’t that your objective, too?

Whether building towards your “A” race, or aiming to improve your weaknesses while between triathlons, Sansego Tri Club will elevate your game.

STC’s unparalleled training resources, elite team of coaches and experts, and a supportive community of triathletes like you will take your racing to the next level.

For a limited time, TriathlonWire readers can join this extraordinary community and save $47 off an annual membership with the coupon code STC47OFF

With its 100% no-risk guarantee, there’s no reason not to join today!  As Crowie always says: Faster Triathlon is Fun!

411 ON CGM

You’ve probably noticed Kristian Blummenfelt, Lisa Norden and other pros wearing a patch on the back of their triceps.  These are Continuous Glucose Monitors (or “CGMs”) that measure real-time levels of circulating glucose in the blood.

Often (and erroneously) termed a “fuel gauge” for sports performance, it can be hard to know exactly how a CGM can be used by everyday athletes.

Fortunately Asker Jeukendrop has published a series of blogs that provide accurate and actionable information about this high tech tool.  He describes what CGMs can (and can’t) measure, and clearly explains 4 ways that a CGM can be used by triathletes.

We especially like his advice on how to use a CGM to dial-in your pre-race meal.

If you’re considering experimenting with this technology, then shorten your learning curve and lock-in its practical applications with these fantastic articles.


Research confirms that triathletes know they should be strength training, but the majority have no clue about what to do when they finally get to the gym.

If that sounds like you, then try these 12 strength exercises to get you started by elite runner and coach Rachel Tomajczyk.

She recommends lifting on the same days as your main workouts to ensure that easy days are kept easy.

Use this and other tips to confidently integrate strength training into your weekly routine.  It will help make you stronger and faster next season.


  • Cure the Achilles
    If you’ve ever suffered from Achilles tendonitis, then you’ll want to bookmark this remarkable 6-step exercise sequence by PT Tom Broback that delivers relief and gets you back to running after 4 weeks.