• Endurance swim sets for IRONMAN
  • How does your VO2max compare?
  • 5 ways to boost cycling power
  • Joe Friel’s 9 top indoor bike sessions
  • Prehab to prevent swimmer’s shoulder


With winter around the corner (at least in the northern hemisphere), it’s time to fully commit to an indoor cycling strategy.

Joe Friel can help, by sharing his 9 favorite indoor cycling workouts from his book, Ride Inside.

This collection includes sessions proven to build your aerobic engine, increase your force on the pedals and tolerate longer stints at threshold intensity.  He also outlines test sets and a recovery ride.

Integrate these workouts into your winter plan, and you’ll emerge a stronger, faster cyclist in the spring.


Completing an IRONMAN swim requires about 4,000 arm revolutions.

The only way to build swim-specific muscular endurance is to consistently log the appropriate types of swim workouts.  If a 70.3 or IRONMAN race is in your future, then purposeful endurance sessions specific to your race distance are a must.

Elite triathlete and coach Ayesha Rollinson explains why it’s critical to train at both your tempo and endurance paces.  She also describes how to determine these important swim speeds.

Finally, she suggests when to schedule these sessions into your plan.  Doing so will boost your fitness, skills and confidence that will power your next race.


Would you like to increase the watts generated on the bike?  Yeah… Us, too.

Coach and author Tyrone Holmes shares 5 specific ways you can boost your cycling power.

All of them can be implemented whether you’re training indoors or IRL, so there’s no excuse for not getting started today.


Whether you need a stocking stuffer for an athlete in your life, or you want a little something for yourself (go ahead… you deserve it!), then look no further than this incredible Black Friday deal from The Feed.

For a limited time you can snag 2 dozen SIS Go Isotonic Gels for 24 bucks. That’s just $1 per gel… Amazing!

Science In Sport (SIS) – one of the world’s leading performance nutrition brands – fuels the INEOS Grenadiers, USA Triathlon and countless endurance athletes worldwide.

Check out all the current SIS deals at The Feed and stock up now.  No coupon code necessary.


Have you ever wondered how your VO2max measures up against others of the same age and gender?  Or what is the VO2max of the world’s top athletes?

The folks at INSCYD have compiled a collection of charts so you can compare your VO2max to those of other athletes (rather than the general population).  That’s important because sedentary people lose their VO2max twice as quickly as active individuals.

It turns out that even men in their 60’s can improve their VO2max by almost 20% after just 9 months of endurance training.


Nothing derails your progress in the pool like a lingering case of swimmer’s shoulder.

Avoid the pain and frustration of swimmer’s shoulder by preventing it in the first place with Chris Ritter’s effective prehab routine.  These 5 dryland exercises designed to strengthen the rotator cuff, improve mobility and reduce the risk of impingement.

Perform them regularly, and you’ll provide the shoulder reinforcement necessary to tolerate the demands of repetitive overhead rotation required in freestyle.


  • Kick Like Lidecky
    Enjoy this master class in kicking technique as you watch Olympic champion Katie Lidecky dominate the 1500m freestyle.  Notice how she switches between 1-beat, 2-beat and 4-beat hybrid kicks throughout the race.
  • Fastest Feet
    Indicating how quickly the footwear industry has progressed, the fastest runners in the 2023 IRONMAN World Championships wore super shoes from a wide variety of brands.  Check out who wore what during the run in Kona.
  • First By A Whisker
    Thanks to a remarkable engineering breakthrough borrowed from another industry, Nike is reportedly poised to release its newest super shoe, designed to shave even more time off your marathon PR.