• 3 parts of effective base building
  • How to acclimate for high temp races
  • The power of metabolic efficiency
  • Faster running on tired legs
  • Make polarized training work for you


Sports scientist Dr. Stephen Seiler coined the term “polarized training” and in this interview with coach Dylan Thomas he provides a master class in how to make this powerful training strategy work for you.

Polarized training refers to a methodology in which you spend the vast majority of your time at an easy, comfortable pace… and the remaining time going extremely hard.

Seiler explains why effective endurance training comes down to 2 zones: a low stress zone and a high stress zone.  The magic is in how you manage the intensity distribution to balance a lot of easy volume with some really hard efforts.

Best of all, Seiler describes the number one mistake that derails athletes from realizing the benefits of polarized training.

Polarized training works, and it’s also sustainable.  You’ll love this conversation with one of the brightest minds in endurance sports.


As a long distance triathlete the quality of your performance is, in part, dictated by how well you utilize a variety of fuel sources.

At low to moderate intensities – common during IRONMAN competitions – well-trained endurance athletes are fat-burning machines.  As intensity rises beyond 65% of VO2max, the body’s preference for fuels switches to carbohydrates.

In this article Dina Griffin describes the basics of Metabolic Efficiency Training (MET).  Its objective is to manipulate exercise strategies to teach the body to better mobilize endogenous fat, while preserving precious glycogen.

Improving your fat metabolism can help you become a more metabolically efficient athlete, resulting in faster recovery and stronger finishes in your longest races.


It’s that time of year.  The weather is getting hot.

If you’re dreading a very warm triathlon this summer, then you’ll want to check out this article by coach Matt Dixon that provides 3 useful tips on how to mitigate the effects of heat.

Dixon includes a sauna protocol that can be implemented immediately following a workout.  If you don’t have access to a sauna, then consider the hot water immersion technique.

The objective of these strategies is to stimulate physiological adaptations that allow better performance in hot conditions.  These adaptations include lower heart rate, higher plasma volume and a more efficient sweat rate, all of which will pay dividends on race day.


Instead of relying on a bulky sports watch or hard-to-read deck clock, move up to the FINIS Smart Goggles for in-goggle display of your most important swim data.

Its slim design never interferes with your stroke, and its Smart Coach™ electronics module can be transferred to other FINIS goggles.

Choose the data you want to see for a personalized display: total laps, splits, set time, rest time, stroke detection and more.  The Smart Goggles present real-time metrics while you swim, and its companion mobile app enables review and analysis after your workout.

Now’s the perfect time to take advantage of the latest sports technology!  TriathlonWire readers get 20% off these remarkable FINIS Smart Goggles…  Just use the coupon code TRIWIRE at checkout.


Triathlon running is about strength and durability first, then speed.  It’s one of the defining characteristics of our sport.  Running well while fatigued is a secret to racing success.

The best triathletes have developed training strategies to tolerate the impact forcesexperienced when running tired.

Former IRONMAN Canada winner Jasper Blake shares his tips on how to optimize your pace, distance, nutrition and mental toughness when training while fatigued to ensure you have a great race.


If you want to elevate your swimming proficiency, then your priority when base building should be to improve your technique, not focus on endurance.

Swim coach Andrew Sheaff makes sure that his athletes focus on the 3 components of faster swimming during their base building phase: technique, speedwork and endurance.

Make swim technique the cornerstone of your training, and you’ll soon notice enhancements in your efficiency, speed and endurance.

Learn more about the interplay of these 3 critical elements of faster swimming, and apply them to your program for faster race results.


  • Short & Sweet
    Even if you have just 30 minutes, spice up your swim training with one of these 5 challenging pool sessions. Authored by some of the most accomplished swimmers in triathlon, now you’re assured of making meaningful progress in less than one hour.
  • Barking Up the Wrong Tri
    In a multisports first, the Vancouver Triathlon has cancelled the run of its September 6 race due to the risk of coyote attacks.  In the past 2 years, over 40 incidents involving aggressive coyotes have been reported.  Triathlon has definitely gone to the dogs.