• Minimum viable strength training
  • Galloway Method for an IM run PR
  • Stretch cord sequence for faster freestyle
  • 5 variables to nail a successful taper
  • Cam Wurf reveals tips for a better bike leg


The pre-race taper is a vital phase of long-distance triathlon training.  Its goal is to reduce overall training load in the weeks prior to competition to decrease fatigue and optimize race performance.

But do you actually know what makes a taper effective?

Carol Passarelli examines the cardiovascular, metabolic and neuromuscular impact of the race taper.  Then she applies this science to the 5 variables of a successful pre-race taper, and suggests how you might manage repeated tapers in a busy racing season.


Records come and go, but Cameron Wurf has arguably been the best and most consistent IRONMAN cyclist over the past few years.  That should be no surprise, since his “day job” is riding in the pro peloton for the INEOS Grenadiers!

In this video Cam shares 5 refreshingly practical tips for improving your triathlon cycling.

Learn where he’d spend his hard-earned money to gain more bike speed.  Hear his take on aero helmets,  and how to manage the inevitable bad patches in a race.  His tips can be adopted by triathletes at all levels for better IRONMAN riding.


Resistance bands are a valuable addition to your training gear.  Not only are they effective for dryland strength training (especially for developing the shoulder rotators), they’re also ideal for pre-race warm-ups when access to the water is unavailable.

Take your stretch band sessions to the next level by following this comprehensive exercise progression for swimmers by Paragon Training.  It will isolate and improve all aspects of the front of your stroke.


A major problem of many triathlon swimmers is overthinking their freestyle stroke.  By trying to focus on too many cues for improving technique, their stroke rate drops and they develop deadspots that kill their speed.

One way to avoid this is to increase your stroke rate by training with the FINIS Tempo Trainer Pro.  With this unobtrusive underwater metronome, you can aim to raise your turnover to 35 strokes per minute (or higher). Doing so will smooth out your power curve and increase your efficiency.

Additionally a higher turnover is more conducive for success in the open water where other swimmers, waves and chop frequently disrupt your forward momentum.

Best of all, TriathlonWire readers get a 20% discount by using the coupon code TRIWIRE at checkout. Get on it!


For many time-crunched age-groupers, running the entire marathon in an IRONMAN can be challenging, if not impossible.  Adopting an intentional run-walk strategy is often the best solution for posting your best possible run time.

Called the Galloway Method, it involves frequent but short walk breaks scheduled throughout the run, starting from the very beginning.  Studies indicate that the Galloway Method produces less muscle fatigue and pain, delivers steadier pacing and often results in impressive marathon splits.

Learn how to personalize the Galloway Method with the Magic Mile pace calculator to achieve your running goals… and don’t be surprised if you complete your next IRONMAN faster and more comfortably than ever.


What’s the minimum amount of strength training required to benefit long-distance triathletes?

According to coach and exercise physiologist Martin Spierings, it might be just one hour, divided into two 30-minute sessions per week.

Check out his series of 9 triathlon-specific exercises designed to add strength, prevent injury and improve movement economy.   All it takes are some dumbbells and a desire to get stronger.


  • Handy Tips
    Achieving faster freestyle is a game of nuanced adjustments.  Here are 4 common hand entry mistakes to avoid to improve your stroke and preserve the health of your shoulders.
  • Rolling with TO
    During the past decade, Tim O’Donnell quietly established himself as America’s top male lRONMAN triathlete, then shocked the sport by surviving an in-competition “widowmaker heart attack.  Get to know this humble and articulate star in Rich Roll’s recent podcast interview.