• Find the threshold test that works for you
  • The definitive guide to triathlon strength training
  • 3 strategies for more run speed & endurance
  • How to use drill sets to combat freestyle deterioration
  • 1-hour bike workout when time is short


We know that stronger triathletes are faster triathletes.  But what are the most effective exercises and when should you do them?

Look no further than this definitive guide to triathlon strength training by Mikael Eriksson.

Included are science-backed regimens and advice that will improve your swimming, cycling and running.

We especially appreciate his 10 commandments that concisely summarize how to implement strength training in your own program.


Before you put the final touches on your 2024 training and racing plan, check out this short video by coach Jason Fitzgerald.

In it he discusses the 3 levers you can pull for more run speed and endurance.

Examine your run program to ensure that you’re optimizing each of these variables.  Get them right and your training will seem easier, you’ll avoid injury and will run off-the-bike better than ever.


There’s no better way to jumpstart your season than by joining 3x Hawaii IRONMAN World Champion Craig Alexander at his pre-season training camp on March 9-16, 2024 in the endurance sports paradise of Mallorca, Spain.

Tailored for triathletes of all levels, it’s guaranteed to be an unforgettable 7 days of incredible training, technical instruction and informative workshops.

All participants receive a one-on-one pre-camp phone consultation with Crowie, the training plan of their choice, cool camp swag, post-camp follow-up and much more!

Discover why Mallorca is a multisport training mecca during this once-in-a-lifetime triathlon experience.

TriathlonWire readers save $50 off your camp tuition with coupon code TRIWIRE50.  Click here for more details and to make your no-risk reservation.


Threshold tests are painful and disruptive, but are necessary for dialing-in your personal training zones to ensure you’re working at the appropriate intensities.

Fortunately triathletes have many options to determine and track their LTs, including tests that are shorter and more manageable than the classic 1-hour time trial.

Dave Schell summarizes 14 different field tests to estimate thresholds for swim, bike and run. Now there’s no longer any excuse to maintain accurate zones for the most effective training possible!


It’s one thing to have good swimming form for a couple laps, but how can we maintain great technique for 2.4 miles?  The trick is to address both fitness and form.

We know that fatigue causes the deterioration of stroke mechanics.

To combat this, coach Andrew Sheaff suggests breaking up your workouts with short but frequent drill sets.   These will help get your technique back on track, even as you’re getting tired.


  • Slippery Bottles
    To help you determine the best water bottle placement on your tri bike, the team at Aerocoach shared its extensive testing data Learn which position results in the lowest aerodynamic penalty (the results might surprise you).
  • Faster 100s
    Coach Brenton Ford presents a powerful case study on how an age group triathlete improved her freestyle by 20 seconds per 100m.  Packed full of practical advice, you’re likely to find something that you can apply to your own stroke.
  • Just 1 Hour
    If you’re pressed for time and only have one hour for a workout, then Will Kirousis recommends this bike interval sessionSometimes all it takes is 60 minutes to build a little fitness.