• 10 tips for IRONMAN swim success
  • 3 exercises for a stronger posterior chain
  • 5 tips for the ideal off-season
  • The importance of race pace intervals
  • An alternative method for base building


Do you schedule workouts at your target race pace?  If not, you should.

Matt Fitzgerald details the 2 key benefits of training at your IRONMAN race speed

Research confirms that lots of low intensity training is the bedrock of successful long-distance racing.  However you also need some moderate-paced training to reach the heights of your full potential.

Learn more about the importance of intentional pace variation, and apply it to your training in 2024 for your best year ever.


In this GCN video, former pro Si Richardson argues that hours and hours of Zone 2 riding isn’t the only way to build base fitness.  Besides, most time-crunched athletes don’t have 25 hours per week to train, anyway.

Instead he and coach Neil Henderson explore how to work on your weaknesses in the off-season, by combining easy low-volume workouts and sweetspot sessions, peppered with plenty of strength training.

Absorb this approach with an open mind, and remember that one type of training doesn’t fit everyone.


Although less than 10% of the overall IRONMAN distance, if you nail your swim then you’re set up for race day success.

Coach Andrew Potter provides a goldmine of useful information, including a 10-point checklist of training tips for open water racing.

Follow his advice and you could chop minutes off your next swim split.


As 2023 comes to a close, it’s time for us to ask for your feedback.

Just like you, all of us at TriathlonWire are committed to improving during the off-season.

Please help us out by completing this short, 90-second survey that will tell us what you value and what we can do better.

We’ll use the results to guide us in 2024.

Thank you, and Happy Holidays!


Posterior chain muscles are critical for all phases of triathlon, but are often neglected.

They run from your traps and lats to the lower back, hamstrings, gluteals and calves.  They’re responsible for generating power, stabilizing your body and preventing injury during all three disciplines of our sport.

Chris Case of Fast Talk Laboratories outlines a simple strength training routine that challenges 3 fundamental movements of the posterior chain.


If you’re like most triathletes — already dreaming about how to kick more ass in 2024 – then you must dial-in your off-season.

Balance and progression are vital. Back off the volume and intensity, but maintain training consistency throughout the winter.  Doing so will allow you to recharge and refresh, while building upon your accrued fitness year over year.

Coach Matt Dixon shares his 5 elements of a successful off-season that you can use for your own program.  Follow his guidance and in just 6 to 12 weeks you’ll have a bulletproof foundation of fitness.


  • Traveling & Training
    Thanks to Zafiri Sports Travel, endurance athletes don’t have to compromise their workouts when on the road.  This collection of 50 free city guides list the best places to train — including pools, gyms, group rides, bike & run routes and much more — at each location.